Uber Developer Platform

The Developer Platform team creates all the public APIs for third parties to integrate their products with Uber, from requesting a ride in Apple Maps, to helping Drivers file their taxes. Here, I led all Design efforts for internal tools to help create and manage our APIs. Additionally, I led the visual and the end-to-end experience of all external tools to help developers understand and use better Uber’s API’s.


Trip Experiences (2017)

This was a product I led on the mobile side. It displayed contextual information to the Rider based on his or her destination. This product came from the Developer Platform team as a showcase of what is possible with Uber’s APIs. I worked on the end-to-end Rider experience: Entry points, Uber Connections (App Store), third party OAuth, and Rider cards. This product was sunsetted.

DevPlat - TripExperiences.png

Internal & External Tools (2017)

Trip Simulator Tool

Trip Simulator

This tool allowed external developers to test their products using Uber APIs and see the JSON response at every phase of the trip.

Using the same framework I created for all tooling, I designed this simulator to be part of the Developer’s Dashboard, as one of their toolkit.

Developer Dashboard

Developer Dashboard

Redesigned the experience for an external developer from creating an account to making the first API call.

Worked together with the team of engineers responsible for the APIs as well as conducting user research sessions with the developers.

API Portal Tool

API Portal

This internal tool helped teams across the Uber organization get familiarized on what technologies were available, team owner for each, and learn the details for each of these APIs and their endpoints.

I worked together with the API team to translate their ideas and problems into a usable interface by both regular users as well as pro-users.